Sign my cast (virtually)
The kindness of strangers has demonstrated to me that we still live in a decent world after all. I'd really like to thank Lian for taking the time from his relaxing Sunday afternoon to drive and accompany me to the Woodbridge walk-in clinic in Irvine. Here's someone I've only seen on the badminton courts and played a match with, and yet he was willing to take the time to make sure I was doing alright after my injury the previous night - in fact, thanks to him and Helen for driving me back to my hotel the previous night.
I hopped on a flight back to Toronto on Wednesday and had to leave most of my stuff with Frank - thanks, and sorry to clutter up your home with my stuff.
My family has been a great help too; and with their care and attention I'm on my recovery.
Gengling's been cheering me on from afar and I know how frustrating it has been for her with our current situation. But I see things improving soon.
And thank you kindly to my friends and colleagues for wishing me well.
You can virtually sign my cast by leaving a comment; thanks. I wish you all well and may you each have a pleasant day. Take care.